Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Shape Shifter

You remember how I set myself up with unrealistic expectations? Well in December while walking thru the baby section (and browsing for Christmas presents for baby doll) I found an old school toy I used to have--one of those yellow buckets with a shape sorter on top. Well the outside of the box said for like 7+ months and the pictures on the box had all these 6 month-olds playing with it so I decide the time is right. I have a smart kid and if these kids on the box can do it so can El. So here she is on Christmas with her new present at 6 months old:

The shapes have sat lonely for a long 7 months . . . but this is her putting the shapes in on her own. She is now over 13 months old and just barely figured it out last week. I couldn't be prouder. Notice her intense look of concentration . . . the half-closed eyes and the drooping jaw . . . a genius IQ, I'm thinkin.

1 comment:

  1. This story made me laugh ... because when I was at your house the other day, I thought we should get a toy like that for Isaac (6 mo.) Of course, I didn't actually think he'd be able to do the shapes yet, I just thought maybe he could start by chewing on them first and eventually he would figure out the rest. Ah parenthood ... we're in such a hurry for our kids to get to the next stage and then when they do, we cry because we've already lost our baby.
