Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yucky Juice

So last night we had a big dutch oven dinner party at our house with friends from high school. Lots of kids running around and hot coals - not a good combination but disaster was averted in that area. Afterwards during cleanup the canola oil was out on the table as the guys were seasoning the ovens. We had lemonade to drink with dinner which ellie LOVES. But not even that would prepare me to look over and see my 2-year old picking up a liter bottle of oil and tipping it back to chug. As we all watched her gag and have the whole bottle dump over the top of her head (in her eyes, hair, down her clothes to the floor, etc.) we all jumped in to super-parent mode as everyone was getting towels and help clean it up. As I tried to wipe as much oil as possible from her hair, eyes, ears, and mouth -- Ellie was just recovering and calming down. It had scared her to death. But the only two words to escape her lips as she hugged me tight were, "yucky juice."


  1. That's a funny story! It's so great that you doccumnet them. Excuse my spelling....I'm in a hurry. Take care!

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    OH MY GROSS!! Poor kid. But a hilariouis story nonetheless.

