Saturday, November 17, 2007


I've found a creative solution to my babysitting and playgroup dilemma. I only work 2-3 times a week. And my mom and my neighbor April have offered to trade babysitting. So they each watch ellie once and then another day I watch their kid once (in my mom's case her grandkid). So I watch both of them at the same time on Thursday. So if I work Mon & Fri and have a playgroup at my house Thurs I get two whole days off at home and don't have to pay for babysitting AND ellie still gets to play with other kids her age alot. I have another friend who has been in the hospital that I've been babysitting for -- her 2 year old and baby. I got this exersaucer out for her 6 month old. And the 2 year old girls liked it much better than he did. The all climbed in and I guess decided it was fun to pretend to be a baby again.

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