Tuesday, April 01, 2008


If any of you out there are readers -- I would recommend you join this website. I was talking to a few of my friends about how hard it is to find a new book you want to read -- sometimes you can't really just go to the library and pick one up, either it's filled with junk or turns out you hate it and you just wasted that reading time! So we were talking about ways we can find out what our friends are reading and what they think of the books, and two of my friends invited me to this website. You just link to your friends on there and you can see the books they've read and how they've rated and reviewed them. I love it! and recommend it :-) It even has the ability to organize bookclub groups, I added that feature for the bookclub I started with just my friends, I don't know if people will join, but it looks like a fun feature.

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