Friday, June 26, 2009

barenaked ladies

Are any of you other moms out there sick of barenaked ladies just lying all around your house at all hours of the day? Well, since I've decided to teach Ellie about modesty, I thought it was time for some of these ladies to wear undergarments!


  1. Such a smart mom you are! Love it.

  2. Cara wanted to buy a Barbie with her birthday money and she got SO frustrated because their bellies were showing and they weren't "being modest" I was SOOO proud. That's such a great idea!! I'll let her help me make her other barbies "modest" now. Thanks K!!! :)

  3. yep, that all has to start when they are too young to have the peer pressure fighting against you and if its engrained early enough they can make wiser choices. Good moms all of you.

  4. Hey! I do that too! We're so smart, huh? :D
