Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ellie's First Day of Preschool

Well, my baby is big enough for school, and even if it's preschool it was a big day for us. I took a few more pics with her than the others. The first four are of her before -- sweet (mostly), confident, and a bit silly. The next one is of actually walking in; I think it sunk in that I was leaving her with a roomful of kids that were bigger than her (she's the youngest one right now, the three year old class starts in oct). After I came back to get her I had a happy girl on my hands. Big smile. And so independent. I was saying goodbye to Owen and turn around -- she's already waiting patiently for me at the sidewalk.

It's amazing the paths these little ones take. At the start they would die without you -- depend on you for every ounce of nutrition. And now she's just walking home from school without me (practically). Crazy. I know, I know -- she'll be in drivers ed before I know it!!!


  1. kris, dont even talk like that. we still have time. at least for now. it is crazy though huh. now our kids are the little pecks running around at the get togethers.

  2. I know just how you feel, Cara started her first week of pre-school too. (Well, a neighborhood co-op)- She loves it SO MUCH! I'm really starting to feel saddened about how big my kids are getting. Clinton doesn't even like my kisses anymore. :( It's a terrible thing for a mom to endure. I wish they could stay little and sweet forever!

  3. I KNOW!! Jayda is starting next week, and I'm so excited for her, but I'm surprised to find myself a little sad at how big she is to be doing something like this! Good luck to Ellie, we love her and miss her (and you too!)

  4. We started preschool today too :( I didn't think it would be as hard as it was. It's amazing how fast our kids grow up and change. I have to keep reminding myself that it is good for them to not be with mom all the time. Good luck!
